Source code for disamby.preprocessors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module contains the various string preprocessors
import re

__all__ = ['compact_abbreviations', 'normalize_whitespace',
           'ngram', 'trigram', 'split_words', 'remove_punctuation',

_re_abbreviation = re.compile(r'\.(?![a-zA-Z]*})')
_re_duplicate_white = re.compile('\s+')
_re_whitespace = re.compile('\s')
_re_punctuation = re.compile('[^\w\s]')

[docs]def normalize_whitespace(string: str) -> str: """ removes duplicates whitespaces as well as replace tabs and newlines with a space Parameters ---------- string Returns ------- str Examples -------- >>> normalize_whitespace('this is a \t long string') 'THIS IS A LONG STRING' """ no_whitespace = _re_duplicate_white.sub(' ', string.upper()) return no_whitespace.strip()
[docs]def compact_abbreviations(string: str) -> str: """ Removes dots between single letters and concatenates them Parameters ---------- string Returns ------- str Examples -------- >>> compact_abbreviations('an other A.B.M this') 'AN OTHER ABM THIS' """ split = _re_abbreviation.split(string.upper()) return ''.join(split)
[docs]def remove_punctuation(word: str) -> str: """ removes all punctuation symbols from the string Parameters ---------- word: str Returns ------- str Examples -------- >>> remove_punctuation('.has -a .few!') 'has a few' """ return _re_punctuation.sub('', word)
[docs]def ngram(string: str, n: int) -> tuple: """ constructs all possible ngrams from the given string. If the string is shorter then the n then the string is returned Parameters ---------- string n : int value must be larger at least 2 Returns ------- tuple of strings Examples -------- >>> ngram('this', 2) ('th', 'hi', 'is') """ N = len(string) if n > N: return string, if n < 2: raise ValueError('n for a ngram must be 2 or larger') return tuple(string[i:i+n] for i in range(N-n+1))
[docs]def trigram(string: str) -> tuple: return ngram(string, 3)
[docs]def split_words(string: str) -> tuple: """ splits words on whitespace. This function is more reliable then `.split(' ')` since it works with any whitespace character (i.e. those recognized by regex) Parameters ---------- string Returns ------- tuple of strings Examples -------- >>> len(split_words('a new day')) 3 """ return tuple(_re_whitespace.split(string))
[docs]def nword(word: str, k: int) -> tuple: """ concatenates k consecutive words into a tuple Parameters ---------- word k Returns ------- tuple of strings Examples -------- >>> nword('this that the other', 2) ('thisthat', 'thatthe', 'theother') """ parts = split_words(word) n = len(parts) k = min(k, n) sequences = tuple(''.join(parts[i:i + k]) for i in range(n - k + 1)) return sequences